本公司主要業務,舞台音響系統安裝,吊掛音響系統,舞台燈光吊桿安裝,舞台電動大幕路軌安裝,投影機安裝,LCD 電視吊掛工程
表演藝術 / 舞台科藝高宜信工程 Cohesion Engineering

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LTC2019招生!主題Financial System: The Past, The Present and The Future: 新聞經常講「央行加息/減息」「美元轉強/弱」「中美貿易戰」,作為年輕一代每日勞碌為份糧💰喺複雜的金融體系下自處呢?課程特色:💛由資深顧問及導師帶領💚互動體驗式學習❤助你擴闊人際網絡 💙深入探討多項領導才能的元素 http://bit.ly/2XGhGqi
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J商業 / 生意頂讓Joanne Ng

PLC control system, Working is stably and reliably; Easy to operate touch screen controal interface; Memory funcion, control the order of PCB's pass in and out;
L買賣及批發 / 電子產品Leaderway Industrial Co.,Ltd

PLC control system, Working is stably and reliably; Easy to operate tonch LED buttons or touch screen control interface; The pnematic clamps of top and buttom three point provided for the magazine
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PLC control system, Working is stably and reliably; Easy to operate touch screen controal interface; FIFO(first in first out),LIFO(last in first out) and through function optina;
L買賣及批發 / 電子產品Leaderway Industrial Co.,Ltd

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w商業 / 建築及建造wallcreative

gym mirrors, wall mirrors, dance mirrors, shower glass doors, insulated glass panels, tempered glass
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98" TV wall ( built with 49" TV x 4 ) , 100% new , LOW price

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商業 / 辦公室傢俬及設備PowerTech telephone system 商業電話系統
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